If Christ has not been died, there was no resurrection of Christ;

If Christ has not been risen, our faith was futile & we were still in sins.

Sunday 22 July 2012

Jesus is my true Vine!

Dear Jesus,

You are exalted on high, I praise your holy name for You're the King of Kings. I really thank you with enormous gratitude for your unfailing love and salvation on all the mankind that whoever believes in you. Although you possessed the very nature image of God, but didn't consider equality with God. Whereas, you took the very nature image of a servant, being made like human likeness in order to demonstrate us that you search our heart. At least, I truly understand and feel that I'm valuable for you, so I shall not perish.

I have really been entangled by civilian affairs. I just can't cope with its issues by my own strength and wisdom. Every aspect of my life seems running toward demise. Precious relationships gradually shut down day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute and second by second without interaction like never lasting. History repeats itself since a decade ago. I really get tired of resolving its crisis that cause negative consequences. 
Consensus is never achieved when different opinions arise between my parent and me, therefore it sometimes triggers to arguments. 
Corruption from the government is an unending task. 
Merdeka (independence) wish is for civility to infuse, enlighten and become the political culture of Malaysia. Going by what the nation saw and heard in the recent by-election, shame and disgust filled me and thoughts of merdeka could not have been further from my heart and mind.
1M'sia programme is to strive for national unity and ethnic harmony among all the races, but there is no equality as they preserve the special privileges for Malays and bumiputras in accordance with article 153 of federal constituition. 

As days passed, I figured out that I somehow prioritized other matters instead of you. 
I believe it's a lesson from you to learn how to love my enemies more, to recognize that you came to the world is to be suffered for the Kingdom of God and to accept all the people around me without conditions. 
Christ Jesus, I'm sorry for I previously was being an amateur who engaged in studying for pleasure, 
so I should put in extra effort to study in order to become a contributor of society and civilize our politics if we are possible to do that in future, instead of doing nothing and backstabbing the disadvantages of my country. Although I don't compromise what they are doing but love them, not to complain it anymore and pray for it, because we will not know to be grateful when we keep complaining. Thank God that I'm born in Malaysia, Malaysia is a multicultural country which consists of Chinese, Malays, Indians and the rest of races living together, therefore majority of nations are bilingual. Except the governing system and politics' issues, everything is still very intriguing in this country. 

Apart from these, the greatest obstacle kept interrupting me to step into a better obedience toward you. I was unconsciously seeking a selfish love for my own desire so it's time to gaze upon you again for problems are diminished when God becomes my priority. You always embrace me by your nailed and merciful hands. 

John 15 

1 “I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. 

2He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful. 

You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you. 

Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. 

If you do not remain in me, you are like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned. 

If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. 

This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.

A lifetime of been pruning in order to grow better as the branches bearing much fruit without thorns entangle its growth. 
And the vine is always the source of support that gives revival to the branches. Thank you, Jesus. You're the best healer ever. :') ♥ 

Seriously, I felt it had been slashing by a double edged sword, but I eventually know that is a sign revealing that something you need to cut off  from me. I shouldn't have held it tightly, I was so stubborn but I didn't realize before and I should have known that you want me to testify you are my God in my family.

Oh Lord, thanks for taking my rebelliousness away so I obey you getting rid of the thing I clung to.
I found relief abiding in You and hence I hereby declare that:"You are my refuge when I am weary and burdened."
You're the light as the Holy Spirit illuminates people's soul, heart and mind to see your righteousness. 
Your word always dwells in my longing heart so I feel joy overflows like a fountain. 
I really love you so much, Lord because you'll never forsake me. 
And you are my loving teacher who disciplines or exhorts me when I'm rebellious. 
So I promise that I'll never put you aside because there is no greater love than yours as your blood was shed for us.
You are my true VINE and I'm the branch that will bear very much fruit to glorify Your name and demonstrate myself as a  fruitful disciple of yours, because this is the ultimate goal of bearing much fruit - grapes, which includes Christian's characteristics, testimonies, personality and the fruit of the Holy Spirit.  :-) 


Sunday 12 February 2012


What do you see? 

It is a love-shaped moon photographed by my friend and without editing.

God made two great lights - the greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night. He also made the stars.
[Genesis 1:16]

Glory unto the exalted LORD! The moonlight is bright and shinning at me, 
laying in my bed. 
It is incredibly fabulous! 
How I wonder His magnificent creations. 
He is great and most worthy of praise! :D
I'd like to speak of the splendour of the King.

Sunday 22 January 2012


In the middle of nights around

And I'm still ..............
unable to sleep.

Typically, I was a person who could sleep easily but since a few weeks ago,

Insomnia, you annoy me.
Insomnia, I'm awakened by nightmares.
Insomnia, you make my tears shed in the middle of nights.
Insomnia, I grumble in the morning due to inadequate slumber.

As a human being, I have emotions.
Why did it happen till that bad as I never predicted?
How come there are so many issues torment me?
I totally lost faith in mankind.
Who else could I rely on?

Oh Lord Jesus, my soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death.
I'm really collapsed.
I tried to be optimistic and positive, but things became worse and complicated.
Dilemma from various aspects, I just realised there is nobody able to help me up.
But, you understand and you mean everything for me.
I couldn't survive without you.
I'm grateful that you embrace me into your arms. Thank you for your promises and words. :)

Your love, O LORD, reaches to the heavens,
your faithfulness to the skies. [Psalms 36:5]