If Christ has not been died, there was no resurrection of Christ;

If Christ has not been risen, our faith was futile & we were still in sins.

Tuesday 18 October 2011

The Vicissitude of Mankind's Heart.

Something has struck a heartstrings of mine and my heartstrings keeps dedicating for it.
But my heartstrings is time to stop playing.
People might be wondering it swiftly changed somehow.

All the while, you'll never know how much your words hurt me indirectly,
perhaps you don't even know you did. And I perceived our paces are different anymore.

Is your love just as shallow as a swimming pool?
Do you desire of fame & gold much than GOD?
How long didn't you intimate with Him?

People always say : "the vicissitude of the world is just a blink of an eye." 
but a mankind's heart shifts faster than the world. 

For GOD's sake, I withdrew, being a single and I'm indeed inappropriate to get into a relationship
even till now. But my heart does keep going on. Unfortunately, you don't.

Where is my splendid smile?
I believe it will be appearing in front of everybody very soon. :')
At this moment, I would rather obey GOD as well.

It seems like there is full of regrets from the way I wrote.
What I'm expressing is there might be sorrowful but undoubtedly I have no regrets and even full of gratitudes.
  • I really thank God so much, this relationship was ended up before the thing gets worsen.
  • I do believe His blessings will fall on me.
  • I could be a better and more obedient disciple of Jesus through this lesson.
For His sake, I would get rid of it.

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