If Christ has not been died, there was no resurrection of Christ;

If Christ has not been risen, our faith was futile & we were still in sins.

Friday 11 November 2011

The Vine & The Branches - A Fruitful Disciple

A gardener planted a vine with all his heart & love. It flourished day by day, month by month, year by year. Decades later, the vine has successfully grown out branches, bearing much fruit. One day, gardener walked surrounding the vine and appreciated it. In a glance of an eye, he inadvertently looked at a few of withered branches, so he decided to cut them off and threw away, then he pruned the rest of branches which are surrounded by thorns.

“Why did he prune us and even cut some off, threw them away? Didn't he know how painful we are?!” Trimmed branches asked in anger.

“I'm sorry. I was unable to fertilize those withered branches anymore since they didn't absorb, therefore our gardener cut them off. And with regards to your case, he wants you to bear much fruit, to grow constantly without thorns stabbing you. ” The vine answered with tears.

At this moment, trimmed branches felt the vine was very painful once they were harmed and they totally understood the reason of been pruning. Afterwards, trimmed branches apologized in guilt, the vine said, “My dears, it’s all right, if you are remain in me, I will fertilize you with all I have because I love you.”

*Gardener = GOD ,
*The Vine = Jesus ,
*The Branches = Disciples of Jesus ,
*Fruit = Our Life

Dear brothers & sisters in Christ, when we confront a lot of issues / afflictions in our life without understanding the reason, we’ll blame on GOD & ask Him for the reason.
But do we know Jesus will cry for us while we’re harmed?
What if GOD doesn’t prune us?
Can we still bear much fruit if we don’t remain in Jesus?

We do abide in Jesus like the parable of Vine and Branches. Additionally, Jesus is our best friend, He could understand us since He was sacrificed himself & crucified on the cross for us.
God prunes us because He wants us to be a testimony through our personalities, words & attitudes, to be a fruitful disciple of Jesus (Galatians 5:22-23).

Let's always prepare to be pruned by the exalted GOD & never cease loving Jesus. :)

* Based on John 15: 1 - 17 from the Bible. *


  1. Thanks for invite me to your blog and read "the original copy". Excellent !!! Jesus loves you and I love you too.
    记得感情无法继续发展应有的观念:爱情[能否继续发展]与[自我价值的高低] 无关。

  2. Thanks Pastor Gene, :D
    I'll not be dismayed nor discouraged no matter how many afflictions I've to go through. It seemed really a hardship for me but meanwhile I thank GOD with enormous gratitude for He has been my inspirations. Otherwise, I'd never deeply realise the unfailing love from Jesus. It's just so amazing & joyful in complete. ^_^V
    Be patient to wait for the best timing from the exatled GOD, I believe He'll give me the most suitable spouse in the future.
